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“pLASTOPia: Post-Anthropocene”

Seçkin AYDIN

“pLASTOPia: Post-Anthropocene” 2022-2023

The Plastopia series is the continuation of the series “The whole world is being passed through the straw of the culture industry” that I started in 2012. After starting Plastopia in 2022, I abandoned the project due to difficult and traumatic processes such as struggling with settling in a new country and then the earthquake I was caught while on vacation in Diyarbakır. However, after I found the strength to start the series again later, I realized that patiently processing the straws one by one in the Plastopia made me feel better, and I decided to continue this series. I wanted to share with you the piece in the image, which is a part of the Plastopia series, and a small fragment from the text of the project. The rest coming soon..

Fragments from the text of the Plastopia project;

While the products of the culture industry are fast, temporary and disposable in the production and consumption process, on the contrary, they become slow, permanent, durable and long-lasting when they are in the form of garbage in nature. But Evolution is chaos… Recent research reveals that microplastics enter the fish we eat, the air we breathe, our stomachs, lungs, breast milk, placenta, and even our blood. The art project titled Plastopia uses an ironic language in the light of scientific and statistical data. Plastopia focuses on new life forms after an ecological collapse in which all resources are exhausted and constructs them in an "Artistic Plastic" format. These new life forms are those that were exposed to plastic during the Anthropocene but evolved by adapting to it, taking advantage of its flexibility and longevity.



© 2023 by Seçkin AYDIN

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